You know those days … the ones where you’re crazy busy? 

Well, even if your medical practice is having its busiest day ever — your patients still expect stellar customer service.

Stellar Customer ServiceEven on your practice’s most hectic days…

  • Patients are still under stress
  • Patients still expect just-as-good (or better!) customer service at your medical practice
  • You still have the ability to make (or break) a patient relationship

We know it’s hard to give great customer service when you’re busy, but during times of sickness or stress (like flu season!), patients may be looking to you even more for comfort and attention!

Here are a few tips that will make a huge difference and create goodwill during busy times:

  1. Use the 10-minute rule. Whether they are in the waiting room or the exam room waiting for the provider, don’t make them wait without contact for more than 10 minutes. 
  2. Offer them water. “We are sorry for the wait! Can I bring you some water?”
  3. Text them. “Hi, Pam. We know you’ve been waiting. We’re sorry for the delay. Thank you for your patience! We are working hard to see you shortly.” 
  4. Opt for a parking lot waiting room. Let them wait in their cars (and contact them every 10 minutes).
  5. Utilize your online forms. Keep patients occupied by letting them fill out their online forms while they wait.
  6. Give them an oops gift! If your patient is waiting more than 10-15 minutes in the lobby, bring them a gift. (Your practice’s oops gift might include a coffee mug and Starbucks gift card.) Smile and say, “Sorry about the wait!” 

Keep in mind that if your patients are waiting for more than 10-15 minutes (especially in the exam room), they may start to feel agitated and think you have forgotten about them. These tips will help you stay connected to patients and prevent them from writing a bad Google review while they’re waiting or heading to the nearest urgent care.

All practices get busy. Keeping patients loyal is all about how you handle these bustling times. If you need more ideas for improving customer service, Great Practice Design can help. Contact us or visit our products page for more ideas.